Essential Oil Spruce Hemlock (15ml)
Essential Oil Spruce Hemlock
Hemlock spruce (Tsuga Canadensis) which is in the pine family of botanical plants. We get the oil through steam distillation of the needles and twigs of this conifer tree and the oil is produced today in Canada. The hemlock is a large evergreen tree that can grow up to 160 feet high. It has slender horizontal branches with small brown cones. Traditionally hemlock spruce has been used for respiratory complaints, circulation, muscles and joints as well as stress-related problems. Spruce Hemlock or Tsuga as the oil is sometimes referred to, has analgesic and anti-rheumatic properties. It is used as a blood cleanser and a stimulant.
Hemlock Spruce Essential Oil is considered a medicinal oil. It is primarily used for respiratory problems, poor circulation, and muscles and joint pain. Hemlock Spruce Oil is a powerful anti-infectious oil and is even used to stop candida and venereal disease. There is also a Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). Often this oil is found as a mixture of various spruces and often just called Spruce oil. Constituents of Hemlock Spruce are similar to Douglas Fir and very different from the Western Hemlock.
Aroma: Spruce Hemlock Essential Oil has a pleasant balsamic scent that is sweet with fruity tones.
Traditional Use: American Indians heated the twigs in steam baths to induce sweating for relief of rheumatism, colds and coughs. They applied the bark and twigs externally to stop bleeding wounds and sore muscles, and by boiling the Spruce Hemlock twigs and cones in maple syrup, made beer.
Properties: analgesic, anti-rheumatic
How to Use: Diffuse, Massage, Topical
Blends well with: Pine, Cedarwood, Galbanum, Benzoin, Lavender and Rosemary.
Safety: Dilute before applying to skin. Avoid during pregnancy. Not for internal use.
Spruce Hemlock is considered a sacred scent for many people. Spruce trees grow for many years, and can live up to 1000 years of age. One famous member of older Spruce tree community is tree named Old Tjikko. It is a 9,550 year old Norway Spruce tree, located on Fulufjllet Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden. Because of their growth potential, and fact that it’s a tree we take care in harvesting Spruce needles in sustainable manner. More work needs to be done by us and public in general to plant and protect more of older spruce growth.
Spruce trees are amazing. There are so many medicinal ways to use them! Not only medicinal, even as food and lemonade can be made out of needles of these trees. Great article about spruce trees can be found here:
Proponents of aromatherapy use spruce oil as a relaxant. Many people find that a few drops of spruce oil in a bath, or applied after bathing, to be soothing. Since spruce oil is known to have some antimicrobial properties, some people use essential oil diffusers to help purify their indoor environment. Spruce, balsam, and pine oils are common fragrances in scented candles, and are particularly popular during the Christmas or winter holidays.
Spruce essential oil has been used as a topical application for muscular aches and pains, poor circulation to alleviate pain from arthritis and muscle. The essential oil of spruce is also used topically to alleviate coughs and chest congestion.
Mind & Spirit
Spruce Hemlock is a sacred scent. Spruce needles are very juicy and filled with essential oils that are extremely flammable! Its fiery power and at the same time calm cool scent are traits that give this oil its fundamental traits. When we have hemlock scent in our house, you get very powerful flash feeling of being in a forest. This scent has power to shape your mind state to reflect what you would feel like being in forest. With that you get clarity of thought and inner calmness. The fiery aspect of oil is reflected in calm flow of energy, of will power that this oil brings about. This essential oil is great to use in office space during a day of great undertaking.
Diffused In Air
Add several drops to steaming water (vapour therapy) to support respiratory function especially during cold and flu season.
Circulation & water metabolism: What spruce hemlock is known for is in promoting healthy water metabolism. To utilize this oil in this way simply add 4 drops spruce oil to 1 oz. lotion or massage oil, we recommend organic jojoba oil and massage into muscles and joints. This also enhances circulation.
- Infections: Being very strong antibacterial agent, spruce hemlock essential oils has power to combat fairly large spectrum of bacteria and other infections. Many have had personal success treating warts, and wounds that were not healing. Be careful not to put it directly on open wound, and dilute it during initial use.
- Fatigue: Definitely this essential oil is for that. As we have already mentioned in Mind and Spirit section if this page, aroma of this essential oils does miracles with fatigue. It is definitely not mood up-lifter, but it helps one to calm mind focus and discover inner strength. Simply add 10 – 20 drops to your table top diffuser, or rub a drop of oil between your hands and inhale aroma.
- Spruce Hemlock is very powerful disinfectant. It can and should be used as part of everyday cleaning process. Many people use it with great success. Next time you think of cleaning table or floor add 5 – 10 drops of oil to cloth or water. As you clean your house, you will also disinfect both surface and air with it. This will work very well for you and keep infection, bugs and to some extend mold infections away from your house.
- Added to the rinse cycle in the laundry will keep dishrags from smelling stale and kill various bacteria that might be lurking in your clothes. It is perfectly safe to use with cloth diapers, for example.
- If you hand wash dishes use ten drops or so added to the bottle of dish soap to make it antibacterial.
- Not recommended for pregnant women and infants.
Individuals with serious and chronic health issues should consult an expert prior to using oils.
Rocket Robin is proud to be your supplier of truly natural products with simple ingredients in support of your family’s health and well-being.