Essential Oil Cardamom (15ml)
Essential Oil Cardamom
Aroma:  Sweet, spicy and almost balsamic in fragrance, woody, rich.
Traditional Use: Â Cardamom has historical uses that include internal consumption to protect the stomach and inhalation to invigorate the mind. Â Cardamom has also been used traditionally to alleviate mental fatigue and nervous strain.
Properties:Â Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, digestive, diuretic, laxative, nerve tonic, stimulant, stomachic
How to Use: Â Dietary, Topical, Aromatic, Diffusion.
Blends well with: Â Rose, Orange, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cloves, Caraway and Cedar Wood Oil.
Safety: Â No toxic effects.
Cardamom oil is extracted from the seeds of Elettaria cardomomum (also known as Elettaria cardomomum var. cardomomum) of the Ginger family and is also known as cardamomi, cardomum and mysore cardomom.  It was well known in ancient times and the Egyptians used it in perfumes and incense and chewed it to whiten their teeth, while the Romans used it for their stomachs when they over-indulged.  The Arabs ground it to use their coffee and It is an important ingredient in Asian cooking. Valerius Cordus first distilled the essential oil in 1544 after the Portuguese discovered the East.
The essential oil of Cardamom is extracted by steam distillation from the seeds of the fruit gathered just before they are ripe. The seeds are left to dry for several months, in order to obtain the highest yields of up to 5%.
Green cardamom is one of the most expensive spices by weight, exceeded only by saffron and vanilla.
The Many Surprising Health Benefits of Cardamom
Digestion – Cardamom is related to ginger and can be used in much the same way to counteract digestive problems. Use it to combat nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation, and much more.
Detoxify – This spice helps the body eliminate waste through the kidneys.
Halitosis – In India they chew cardamom after meals or whenever they need to freshen their breath.
Diuretic – Part of the reason cardamom is such a good detoxifier is thanks to the diuretic properties. It helps clean out the urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys, removing waste, salt, excess water, toxins, and combating infections too.
Depression – The science behind the antidepressant qualities of cardamom hasn’t been studied yet, but Ayurvedic medicine swears by the tea as a means to fight depression.
Oral Health – Apart from helping with bad breath, cardamom is used for mouth ulcers and infections of the mouth and throat.
Cold and Flu – This pungent spice may help prevent and relieve cold and flu symptoms. It’s also used for bronchitis and coughs.
Blood Pressure – As a diuretic and fiber rich spice, cardamom significantly lowers blood pressure.
Blood Clots – Cardamom prevents dangerous blood clots by preventing platelet aggregation and the sticking to the artery walls.
Antioxidant – Many of the vitamins, phytonutrients, and essential oils in cardamom act as antioxidants, cleaning up free radicals and resisting cellular aging.
Pathogens – The volatile essential oils in cardamom inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold.
Anti-inflammatory – Like ginger and turmeric, its relatives, cardamom has some anti-inflammatory properties that limit pain and swelling, especially in mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat.
Hiccups – Cardamom is an anti-spasmodic that can help get rid of hiccups. This also applies to other involuntary muscle spasms, like stomach and intestinal cramps.
Aphrodisiac – Traditional medicine lists cardamom as a powerful aphrodisiac that can help with erectile dysfunction and impotence.
- Not recommended for pregnant women and infants.
Individuals with serious and chronic health issues should consult an expert prior to using oils.
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