Chuchuhuasi (pronounced CHOO-CHOO-WA-SEE) is the bark of a giant Amazonian tree that holds natural analgesic (pain relieving) properties. This powerful super herb has been used for thousands of years by peoples all over the Amazon basin to relieve a wide variety of ailments. Chuchuhuasi is an enormous canopy tree of the Amazon rainforest that grows to 30 m high. It has large leaves (10-30 cm), small, white flowers, and extremely tough, heavy, reddish-brown bark.
The bark of the chuchuhuasi tree is a famous ethnomedicine in western Amazonia. It is most commonly used to treat rheumatism, tuberculosis, bronchitis, stomach ache, and fever. Chewing the bark is considered to be an effective treatment for diarrhea, arthritis, menstrual irregularities, and upset stomach. It is used as a muscle relaxant, effectively breaking up and dispersing lactic actid. It enhances virility. Principal effects include libido enhancement, adrenal support, and fortification of the immune system. Traditional guidelines for use of chuchuhuasi require it to be taken before breakfast for at least a month to be effective.
Its Peruvian name, chuchuhuasi, means “trembling back,” which refers to its long-standing use for arthritis, rheumatism, and back pain. One local Indian remedy for arthritis and rheumatism calls for one cup of a bark decoction taken three times a day for more than a week. Local people and villagers along the Amazon believe that chuchuhuasi is an aphrodisiac and tonic, and the bark soaked in the local sugarcane rum (aguardiente) is a popular jungle drink that is even served in bars and to tourists (its often called “go-juice” to relieve pain and muscle aches and to “keep going” during long treks in the rainforest). Local healers and curanderos in the Amazon use chuchuhuasi as a general tonic, to speed healing and, when combined with other medicinal plants, as a synergist for many types of illnesses.
This amazing medicine has been used for centuries by South Americans to cure disease. Now science is finally getting around to working with Chuchuhuasi and finding that it’s a great antibacterial and antiviral agent. It boosts the immune system and fights off cancer and especially skin cancer. Chuchuhuasi supports the adrenal glands making it great for stress. Full of antioxidants, Chuchuhuasi savages away free radicals thus preventing cardiovascular disease and strokes. Chuchuhuasi is a very good anti-inflammatory agent making it great for treating arthritis and general body aches and pains… and Chuchuhuasi is also wonderful at removing lactic acid from your muscles. New studies are being done on the ability of Chuchuhuasi to treat MS and Parkinson’s disease. Chuchuhuasi helps in the process of healing lung problems too… like asthma and bronchitis, and it also soothers away stomach problems and helps heal gastric ulcers. Chuchuhuasi bark makes a great tea, which is sometimes mixed with molasses.
Benefits of Chuchuhuasi: Joint & Muscular Pain
Chuchuhuasi is commonly used for its effects on symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism and for back pain. It is a muscle relaxant and is thus effective at relieving sore muscles. Extracts show analgesic properties as well as anti-inflammatory activity. It inhibits production of the enzyme protein kinase C (PKC), which is indicated in the development of health problems like arthritis.
Other Uses
Chuchuhuasi shows anti-diarrheal effects, and is also used for stomach aches, upset stomach, and hemorrhoids. Women benefit from using chuchuhuasi from pain and discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle, and it is also an effect herb for adrenals. Natives use chuchuhuasi for bronchitis and asthma, perhaps because of its anti-inflammatory effects. Some of the substances in chuchuhuasi have demonstrated anti-tumor activity, and a decoction is used as a tonic for the immune system. It can increase the ability of immune cells to attack bacteria and other invading organisms.
Chuchuhuasi synergizes well with other herbs; one great aphrodisiacal blend is Chuchuhuasi, Clavohuasca, Iporuru and Cacao. Traditionally soaked in alcohol or infused into a full-bodied deep red tea that is pleasantly energizing. 1 teaspoon per cup of tea, best with a little honey. 1/2 teaspoon powder can also be taken with juice or water. Ten grams makes two litres of wonderful tasting tea. Chuchuhuasi tea makes a fantastic base for cacao (raw chocolate) drinks and it has been consumed with cacao in the Amazon for centuries. Try adding some form of a low-glycemic sweetener (such as raw yacon root syrup) to this and other Chuchuhuasi-based healing beverages.
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