CBD Canada Toronto – The absolute best quality CBD available now!
CBD Canada Toronto… MADE IN CANADA
Full Spectrum Industrial Hemp CBD is a dietary supplement and an excellent source of nutrients that can be safely consumed by kids, adults and pets as part of their daily diet. Unlike “THC” (generally referring to high potency Cannabis oil), Full spectrum industrial hemp CBD is legal, and is not psychoactive, meaning that it does not cause one to “get high”.No Medical card or prescription needed!!!
This product is 100% legal and contains almost NO THC… 0.035% to be exact. Legal under section 56 exempt Canadian Drug Standards Act. An unrefined full spectrum milled Hemp Derivative is up to 10% CBD and 0.035% THC * well under the legal limit of 0.3% which means you don’t need a medical card to purchase it or possess it.
All of our CBD products are made with 100% natural ingredients and we only use Carrier Oils for extracting the cannabinoids and terpenes from the Full Spectrum Industrial Hemp Protein Powder that we source from a reputable source that has been involved in the industry for over 35 years.
Contrast this FULL-SPECTRUM CBD with most other products on the market which are ISOLATES of CBD, meaning that only one or two of the molecules out of the staggering number and variety of healing and life-giving terpenes and cannabinoids present in the plant are taken out and the rest are unnecessarily discarded!