Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes, typically wine grapes. Since grape seeds are usually discarded as part of the wine making process, the extraction and sale of grapeseed oil can be a profitable sideline, as well as an efficient use of a byproduct. In the twentieth century, grapeseed oil began to be processed and sold in much higher volume, primarily in the United States and Europe. Many stores sell pure grapeseed oil for various applications.
The oil is known for being light in colour and flavour, with a hint of nuttiness. It is a polyunsaturated oil, and contains beneficial compounds such as linoleic acid. There are two primary uses for grapeseed oil: cosmetics and culinary applications. Grapeseed oil should be stored in a cool dark place until it is used, unless it has been heavily stabilized. For people who use it rarely, refrigeration is best. Although grapeseed oil may congeal slightly, it will go rancid much more slowly when kept in the fridge.
In foods, grapeseed oil has numerous uses. It has a very high smoking point, so many people use grapeseed oil to fry foods. It can also be included in dressings and sauces, and since it emulsifies very well, it does not generally separate when used to make things like mayonnaise. The flavor is also unobtrusive, allowing diners to focus on the main component of the dish. Culinary grapeseed oil can also be flavored with the addition of things like peppers, truffle shavings, and herbs.
In cosmetics, grapeseed oil is widely used. It is often combined with other oils to make massage oil, since it glides well on the skin and it also has moisturizing properties. Grapeseed oil appears to assist with skin repair, as it has mildly astringent and antiseptic qualities. Some companies use grapeseed oil as a short term natural preservative in body products, while others integrate it into moisturizing creams, sunscreen, and an assortment of other products.
Grapeseed Oil Benefits
Grape seed oil has several important health benefits. It is a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. The polyphenols and flavonoids found in this oil contain strong antioxidant compounds. Most of the grape seed oil health benefits can be attributed to the presence of these nutrients. These health benefits of grape seed oil are enumerated below.
- The flavonoid ‘oligomeric procyanidin’, found in grape seed oil is an incredibly strong antioxidant, about 50 times stronger than antioxidants like, vitamin C and E. So, this compound can provide protection against cellular and tissue damage caused by free radicals.
- Grape seed oil can boost the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system by lowering the level of bad LDL cholesterol. This oil can increase the level of good HDL cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of coronary diseases. In addition, two studies showed that taking grapeseed extract and chromium, helped in lowering the bad cholesterol levels.
- Grape seed oil contains linoleic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that can prove beneficial for people having diabetes.
- Grape seed oil can help strengthen and repair damaged or broken capillaries and blood vessels. This in turn, can help to improve circulation and alleviate conditions like, varicose veins, spider veins and hemorrhoids.
- Grape seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties, for which it can provide relief against pain and swelling caused by arthritis. Even in conditions like, rheumatoid arthritis, this oil can provide great relief.
- Many studies show that grape seed extracts help in preventing colon, prostate, stomach, breast and lung cancer cells. Antioxidants found in grapeseed extract, help in preventing cancer.
- Grape seed oil can also prove beneficial in conditions like, asthma, allergies, acne and dermatitis.
- The oil from grapeseed reduces LDL (bad Cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol), which in turn helps in keeping your arteries clear.
- Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 are the fatty acids found in this oil. These fatty acids benefit us by forestalling any heart diseases and influence the biological properties in our body.
- Grape seed oil contains high levels of Vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant. It aids in preventing any cell membrane related injuries.
- The oil from grapeseed helps the immune system and increases the blood circulation as well.
- After any surgery or an injury, the oil reduces the swelling faster than any other medicines.
- Flavonoids found in grape seed oil work to inflect cell-signaling pathways. Oregon State University states, “The Flavonoids have an antioxidant behavior that responds to iron and copper that bond to proteins“.
- Grapeseed is mildly astringent in nature and helps to tighten and tone skin.
- Grapeseed contains proanthocyanidins, which are very potent antioxidants, that help in diminishing the sun’s damaging effects and lessen free radical damage.
- Grapeseed oil is also helpful for healing wounds. It is rich in linoleic acid levels, which is an essential fatty acid that is quite important for the skin and cell membranes.
- Grapeseed oil has great moisturizing properties.
- Grapeseed oil is also rich in vitamins, minerals and causes no skin irritation.
Grape Seed Oil For Skin Care
Many people use grape seed oil for skin, basically for its emollient properties. This oil can be found in a wide range of cosmetics like, lip balm, creams, moisturizers, sunblocks and lotions. Even many hair care products contain this oil. You can use grape seed oil for hair to promote hair growth, and make it smooth and soft. Due to its antioxidant properties, grape seed oil can delay skin aging by minimizing the damage caused by free radicals.
Grape seed oil can provide protection against sun damage as well. It has astringent properties and therefore, can tighten the skin. The linoleic acid found in grape seed oil can be very beneficial in skin conditions like, acne, dermatitis and eczema. Linoleic acid can soothe and nourish the skin, and help it to repair. Vitamin E on the other hand, keeps the skin firm and smooth. Grape seed oil is easily absorbed by the body, and it can be used for reducing age spots, sun burn, wrinkles and stretch marks as well.
Benefits of Grape Seed Oil for Skin
Wondering what grapeseed oil can do? Here are just a few of the things it’s good for:
1. Treat Acne
Grapeseed oil contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which are great for stopping acne. The oil also contains linoleic acid, which is great for promoting skin health.
2. Tighten Skin
Grapeseed oil has astringent qualities that help tighten skin and close up the pores, thus helping you avoid clogging that leads to pimples. Oily skin can especially benefit from this.
3. Relieve Dark Circles under Eyes
Dark circles are a problem for many adults, and sometimes children have the issue as well. Most products that claim to help actually have harsh chemicals. Grapeseed oil, applied daily for a few weeks, can relieve the dark circles naturally.
4. Moisturize
This very light oil can be used by those with even sensitive skin, and works as an excellent moisturizer that won’t clog pores. The oil can also help hasten healing of problems, such as minor abrasions or pimples.
5. Fight Aging
Fine lines and wrinkles can be alleviated with a daily dose of grapeseed oil on the skin. The elasticity of the skin can be improved, thus making the lines of an aging face less pronounced.
How to Use Grape Seed Oil for Skin
Use of grapeseed oil is very simple, and usually only a few drops are needed to achieve results.
1. Massage on the Skin
Apply a small amount to your hands and massage it into the skin – no need to use a cotton ball or any other method of application. Massage the oil into your skin, paying close attention to areas with scars or blemishes, or rough areas. When massaged on the skin, it can not only moisturize but also help new scars to heal.
2. Dab the Ender-eye Circles
Simply apply a few drops of the oil to the area underneath your eyes with your fingertip. Massage it in very gently; you would begin to see results after a week. Grapeseed oil can also be used to treat wrinkles and fine lines.
3. Enhance a Moisturizer
To get more out of your moisturizer, mix grapeseed oil in with the cream. This will help your skin hold in moisture.
4. Mix with Whipped Butter
If you are using whipped butters for your skin care, remember that grapeseed oil can help enhance the moisturizing properties of those as well.
5. Use a Hot Oil Treatment
You can use grapeseed oil on its own or mix it with some other oil to create a hot oil treatment for both your skin and your hair.
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